Writing a Chaos Monkey



This project is by no means complete! If you’d like to get involved and cause some destruction, I’d love to have some contributors and pull requests!


For my latest hackathon project, I decided to roll-my-own chaos monkey.

Why not just use the Netflix Simian Army suite I hear you cry? The answer’s simple, we don’t use Spinnaker for continuous delivery and that’s an essential part of their chaos monkey.


Having poorly-designed enough software in my time, I know when it’s less shit than it could be. For this project however, it needed to be “right” first time, as a 2 day hackathon doesn’t lend itself nicely to scratch refactors. Here are my design decisions/assumptions:

Everything will be controlled by an orchestrator
  • Give one component a brain and keep all other components stupid.
  • The orchestrator will issue commands, it won’t perform actions.
Every action will be performed by an agent
  • A simple, brainless agent will do one thing and do it well.
  • Go binaries are tiny, so it makes sense to have an agent everywhere something needs to happen.
The orchestrator won’t be aware of the agents
  • I don’t want to have to do anything when an agent is added or removed.
  • I don’t want to blast holes in my infrastructure just to give a chaos monkey access to machines.
Agents won’t be aware of the orchestrator
  • See above.
All communication will be done via a messaging
  • Inherently more scalable as agents come and go.
  • Prevents nodes from knowing about the environment they’re operating in.
Agents will run for particular application groups
  • This further abstracts the orchestrator from the agents.
  • Grouping applications will allow the orchestrator to be smart about how much or how little of an application’s services it affects.
  • An application will be something like “StatsRabbitMQ” or “CatVideoAPIServer”.
There’ll be no “un-kill” operation
  • All operations will test an application’s ability to recover from failure.
  • All operations will test the ability of interconnected applications to recover.

Technologies used


I decided to bake NATS into my solution for the first cut. It’s very simple, easy to configure and cluster and the Go client is brilliant. NATS is such a good fit for this type of project that I think I’ll leave it as a baked-in messaging solution. Woot, now I can use the increasingly popular "{{.ProjectName}}, an opinionated {{.ProjectType}}" project headline ;)

I’m using the scatter-gather pattern, which allows the orchestrator to publish a request for agent responses indirectly:

Orchestrator: “Who’s responsible for managing “StatsRabbitMQ” services?”

Agent 1 on MACHINE01: “I am!”

Agent 2 on MACHINE02: “I am!”

Agent 3 on MACHINE03: “I am!”

Agent 4 on MACHINE04: “I am!”

Orchestrator: “Ok, well Agent 1 and Agent 3, wherever you are, kill your service now”

Agent 1: Kills docker container called “rabbit-server” on Linux box MACHINE01

Agent 3: Kills process called “epmd.exe” on Windows box MACHINE03

Minus the error handling and logging for brevity, here’s the scatter-gather function from the orchestrator’s perpective:

func (o *Orchestrator) Process(a Application) {
    agents, _ := o.ScatterGather(a.Name)
    for _, agent := range model.TakeRandom(agents, a.Percentage) {
        if err := o.IssueKillCommand(agent); err != nil {

Minus the error handling and logging (again for brevity), here’s the scatter-gather function from the agent’s perspective:

func (a *Agent) Start() {
    gatherChan, gatherStop, _ := a.chanSubscribe(application)
    defer gatherStop()

    for {
        select {
        case msg := <-gatherChan:
            a.Conn.PublishRequest(msg.Reply, a.KillInbox, []byte(application))
        // other select cases omitted

I’m using cron in the orchestrator to schedule tasks. I decided on cron because it’s familiar. When people dive into the guts of my chaos monkey, I want them to feel at home, not like they’re having to learn new concepts just to get it to work. Each task performs a scatter-gather operation for an application group to ascertain the agents configured for that application.

Here’s the orchestrator’s startup scheduling code in its entirety:

func (o *Orchestrator) Start() {
    o.cronRunner = cron.New()
    for _, c := range o.Applications {
        if err := o.cronRunner.AddFunc(c.Schedule, func() { o.Process(c) }); err != nil {



Following on from my initial design decisions, the orchestrator is responsible for scheduling and nothing more, while the agents are responsible for killing processes/machines etc. and nothing more. That’s made for some pretty straightforward configuration (obvious bits have been omitted):

Orchestrator config
    "gatherTimeout": "2s",
    "gatherChanSize": 10,
    "applications": [
            "name": "notepad",
            "schedule": "1 * * * * *",
            "percentage": 0.5
Agent config
    "application": "notepad",
    "instructions": [ "taskkill", "/f", "/t", "/im", "notepad.exe" ]